Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stuff Pt.2

These are a few renders of a repair shop environment I'm working on for my demo reel, I'll post more in progress shots as I get more of it done, the spaceship actually wasn't modeled by me, but by a friend of mine. It is a placeholder for another model that I'm currently working on that will fit inside the environment.

My stuff so far...

Here's basically a filler post with some of the work I've done recently. This blog is probably going to get pretty image heavy as it goes along.


My name is Liviu Antonescu, and I'm currently a student at AI studying to become a 3d arist.

This blog is basically an easy way to share what I do in terms of both school work, and personal projects. If you like what you see, be sure to leave a comment!

- Liviu