Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fokker EIII - Semi Final Version

Nearing the deadline for the EIII, so I'm just adding the finishing touches to it. Here are three new renders of the progress on the textures and lighting.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Control Panel Final

Well, I got the control panel finished up today. The screens are green so they can be keyed out in the final render, to be replaced with video. Other than that, It was a fun little side project, so now I get to go back and work on my demo reel stuff with a fresh perspective.

*Edit* Reuploaded a grimier version without the panels ready for keying, this is actually the final version based on the feedback I got on it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Texture Pass - Control Panel

Got the first texture pass down; nothing too fancy really for now. The idea is to have a lot of contrast in the color scheme, so that it can read nicely from a distance, since it will be fairly small in the scene. I still have to add shaders to it, as now It's just standard lambert shaded, so next update with finished textures and materials will be on Saturday.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Control Panel WIP

Started a quick side project yesterday to help keep things fresh while working on my reel. This is a control panel that I'm in the progress of making for a friend's vfx scene. Basically it will be in a pretty high tech lab in the style of the hadron collider labs, and the actual control panel will get at most a medium/ long shot, so I will be moving most of the details over to normal map using Maya's transfer maps.

More progress soon to come as I get more time to add to it.